
Oct 25, 2023


This article is about National day. 23.09.28 start the holiday. Before holiday, I got a headache, I was sick and keeping cough. Had a fever, yes, and I think my boy and wife couldn’t escape, so I didn’t make any protoction. I recovered soon, and my wife was the next one sick.

Because my wife is very new to her work, so she decided to stay home to push her work further. I had found she work very very busy, she always returned home late at night, 24:00, 1:30 and so on. I was afraid of her health, the overtime work is not for women, overtime work doesn’t make sense. Work late to 23:00 sometime maybe understood, but late to middle night, why not go to work earliar in the morning? You can set the time 6:00, that’s OK. And overtime work should be paied more, shouldn’t it? If this is very urgent to company and every worker should work hard in short time, why not suggest employees work like army life. Her new company is a shit, just want more effort from employees, but not reward to pay, and even the most effort useless time to offer. Their technology manager is an idiot, know nothing about management.

My wife stay at home working, just write some interface code. But the worst, some trouble she make - she couldn’t debug her code, she asked me for help. I stayed at home because I’m sick, and want to play game because boring. She keeped ask me for help, when I took a glance, I knew it is a very small mistake, if she try more times, she could easily fix the issue. I just tell her try more way, I’m here, don’t warry. You can’t fix this, because you have so much ways you hadn’t test yet. She got angry for I just play game and not help her, it too late that night. I think it is so good happening meet this error, maybe she can fix, she will get more. If I fix the issue, most at much, 5 minute, will fix the issue, she won’t get any improvement. So I just encourage her that night she can fix the issue herself, but maybe she lost at I just play game not helping her. OK OK, help her fix the issue: she tap Ctrl + F5 to debug, but debug Only need F5 can rightly doing debug. Only the way to debug? No, the second way is to open debug tag, then just tap the start debug button. Only two way to debug? No, the third way is open package.json to debug script. So much way to fix her bug, god. She cry, for her stupid, and for I have some much to teach but just playing game. Oh no, I just thinking it is a good chance to let her conquar her disconfidence.

She worked three days, almost done her work, then we decide to go outside have our family holiday. A family can’t lost any one to have holiday, except play game. We start holiday at 10.02. In the morning, add enough oil to car, let’s. When going on fast road, car go straight don’t need stop car. The first station is 黎里古镇, we part car to have lunch. We choose a resturant 沙县小吃, because traveling is very happy, so eat is no limit, want you want to eat, just call and buy, just empty the food. Three of us cost ¥62, but we eat very happy. We find our parking car, today is not rainning as several day before, a little cloudy, not hot. I cough a little, but it’s OK. We are desire a stable life, work hard doesn’t matters, but life just keep going ahead, we can’t dream so much, desire too much. When we get car, we park our car, but when navigating by the map, util now we found we go to a town 黎里, not tourism 黎里. Aha, we rapidly get in the car, and drive to the destination.

After reaching tourism 黎里, we park the car(it only ¥5 for one time parking), we walk through the whole town. Cloudy day change to be sunny, but house is the same as last year I had come, water is still clear, girls, e, next, fishes is happily swiwming in the river. This time, we walk on the left side road, some small tourism is in the left side, right side is full of economic shop shelling foods. If tourism to learn culture here, left side road is more suggest to walk; But if you are young, just walk, just pay for your happy to any please you, right side road would also a good choice. When we walk all the left side way, we enter the right side by reverse direction, and it almost sunset. We don’t care about the time, we come out with plenty of time.

ahuang use his money(we earn some money no paying, three of us can get the seperate the money, so ahuang earn his own, he can use his money for any purpose) to buy an ice scream. We adult buy some local little food, a 油墩子. The food contains some oil, we don’t eat much. When we start go back, we take some picture, use wife’s new phone, she is happy, phone is tiny and well handle. ahuang is more more familiar to us, he know much about us now, he know how poor we are, how hard we will to scratch the fortune just we want to go upstair in the level. He know his mother and father is strict but is loving him, he is not wary as before. He know where the edge we manage him, he do his job, learn his knowledge, not stupid or sarcastic is all allowed. He just follow us, he play in his world, he don’t conplain once. If he want to drink, he will boil water himself, he want to have ice cream, he will ask his mom or look at his pocket weather has enough money. He is my boy.

I told him how poor we are, but food/water are presented as he required, learning equipment if normal need require will be feed, other requests will be rejected.

When we are about to get out of the town, I said don’t worry, go to wc first, if want to eat some, go ahead. We will pay for the parking. When we drive out of the parking area, we found it just cost us ¥5. The next station is 苏州, we drive to suzhou at 19:00 clock. When we arrive the area close to 拙政园, we find a parking ground nearby, then we decide to have dinner. We walk on a street to find parking car at night, we will sleep on the car because:

Firstly, on tourism holiday, it must be imsufficient room to order; Secondly, we decide to find whether our car can be protective to hold us a night, although it is crazy, but we are about to have a try.

We walk to 拙政园, we pass some shop support easy food, but I haven’t decide what to eat. When I look into one shop, only several people eat at 沙县小吃, maybe it is not teste good, so I decide to pass these shop. I also think that, shop more close to famous tourism, eight the shop more expensive, or the same money but less service(both food or teste). So we just walk to 拙政园, finally find no more choice. We discuss maybe 肯德基 cost the same money as every shop derived from 肯德基, so we enter the shop. When we look at the menu, we think it is too expensive. I happen to think that, maybe 闲鱼 has someone sold cheap set meal. I ask solder on the 闲鱼, and be sure this shop can use and is half of the money. I think maybe the solder is in a group, who buy so much set meal, or has so much pupils who’s birthday can cover all buyer. Finally, we get the set meal, half money to paid to the solder, the solder order the meal for us. Nice. We have a good dinner, cost ¥78, but eat so much tonight.

After the dinner, we walk around, also discuss where to park our car. We want a place near a WC, the place would be safe, the place do not be disdurbed by others. We setup the anti-mosquito mesh cloth, I buy it several days before, just want to try out how good it is for a trip. The mesh cloth is strong, and well anti the mosquito. After we set up the mesh cloth at the parking group, we drive our car to the community(The community I found out that, I collect the info want to buy a house here happen to be the community we park here). We want to park in a community, but the road and the light disdurb us a lot. We have make a lot effort at the community, setup sleep place, try to sleep, but we found out that we lack one pillow, or in other work, we lack one box. The box is required, because the box can hold our head, we drived out didn’t found we just have one box, the only one box my boy is sleep now. We need another box, so we drive car ahead, my wife get down and bought two box. She fill out clothes, that we can have a good sleep. I drive car here and there, didn’t find a good place to park, finally I stop out of 吴中区, in the top east of the direction, stopping car beside a school. When we leave that community, finally find not good enough, my boy is too tired and firstly go to sleep. After park beside the school, I firstly go out side to find WC, but the WC is so far away, we have to go opposite the bridge. We get down the window a little, close the sky window.

I and my wife cough a lot that night, some big car run beside us, I didn’t get sleep, until the morning, I sleep in a big tired. That night, five dogs fight each other heavily. My wife go to WC nearby and get her shoe wet, I place her shoe on the wheel of the car, in case not to be got away by these dogs.

When we wake up, the sky is light. I go out with my wife to have WC, ahuang is still sleep. When we get back, an aunt come and told us to take part in her tour set, ¥200 and become less and less to ¥100. We finally to have the trip ourself, because her tour set not contain the main tourism. Lack of main tourism, it is useless. We know our car can’t get into the center of the city, so we park our car here, not too expensive, ¥5 an hour. If we park a day, it just ¥45, not too expensive. We go to WC in the morning, and take our tooth brushed. Then we get out buy breakfest, it is cheap. We go to a bus station, because we know the 拙政园 didn’t support ticket to buy, we decide to go to the free tourism 平江路. We go down straight the road, didn’t find any happiness. Maybe holiday is not a good idea to have the trip. Three of us walk so tired, we leave the road. On the way of 平江路, it is raining, from heavy to less. When we get out of the road, we get into an economic road call 观前街. We have lunch there, the noodles is so pepper. After lunch, we go a little further, and have a good rest. My wife said let’s go to 耦园, she had bought the ticket. So I follow her walk to the destination. Because I’m so tired, and don’t want to go any more, she took ahuang with her. I cough outside to wait for them. When they get out, they said it is the same as other country yard they have seen before. So now where to go? Every body said want to go home, home is the best. We follow the map walk through a long way to get my car, 苏州市姑苏区北环东路8号. We bought some food with us, drive home. That night we drive home a little traffic jam. But finally we arrived home safely.

This is our trip, we just test our sleep in car. If not lacking the box, our sleep may be more comfortable. Later the day, my cough get better, but my wife is the next turn. She got a fever but recover very fast. Then my boy got a bad fever the day before end of holiday. We think mayby it just a small fever, ahuang will recover soon, but the second day, wife go to work, I go to work, ahuang goto school, teacher told us that ahuang go a heavy fever. Ahuang should be cold down for atlease two days util can go to school again. So I choose to ask for a sick leave for two day. First day ahuang cold down, but the second day, he became hot. I immediatly took him to nearby hospital, the hospital has children doctor morning, but not afternoon. So I Had to took ahuang to 6th hospital. We get some medicine from doctor, he said eat these medicine, if fever got higher, over 38°, then took some down-fever medicine. When at night, mother hadn’t come back yet, ahuang got a high fever, high to 38.5 verify by ear-verify-temper-machine. I immediatly gave down-fever medicine. ahuang get wet by pulling out so much his sweat, but his fever still not going down. After his mother finally came back, we discuss about the presentation, and immediatly decide to go to hospital again. Child got sick, should toke them to hospital immediatly, don’t wait, or sick maybe became more and more heavier.

I drove us to hospital, it was 1:00 clock when arrived, I choosed to park the car at hospital(an hour ¥10). We waited for a while to have the chance to see doctor. Then we were sent to check boy’s blood, then X light. X light had wait for half hour to get the result. When got the X light result, we quickly went upstair to revisit the doctor. The doctor said ahuang had got 支原体 affect, and he was had pneumonia affected. The boy had to have an intravenous drip. My wife took a good care for him, they went back in 5 clock, they are so tired. I decided go back to have a rest, and go to work next day. I felt not good, my stomach felt moch more sufficient, very hard to tolerate the bad sense. When drive the car, I felt headache, when arrived home quickly went upstair to the bed. When layed on the bed, my stomach still hurd, but I forced myself to have a rest for next day work.

The next day, my wife felt not good either. She overwork many days, and choose to ask a sick leave in the afternoon. Her manager told her choose holiday leave, for holiday cost only half of day(That night she overwork until 1:30 to back home), but sick leave cost a full day. But I advise her to asked for sick leave, she not felt well. If sick, we should ask sick leave, no matter what anything else reason. She went back to work the next day, because we want money from work. I asked my manager to work at home, to took care of child, the boy had to took the drip for 5 days. The next day I took my boy to hospital, it rained a little. I told my wife to have a good rest, she went back late these days, almost work util 1:30 or 2:30. I adviced her that, we are human, we should get enough rest; even cat or dog sleep early in the night. I adviced her to take rest such as go back home early then wake up early to go to work; or sleep 23:00 at working ground and wake up early such as 5:00 clock; or some ways to have a good rest.

Her company is so disgusting, work late at night, not to sleep, just for deploy product? But why work so much? Employees not enough maybe? Work content too much maybe? Manager is an idiot maybe? Overwork not apply any reward, if am i, I’ll give them a shit! And more, they all work hard, but every night is still not able to deploy work delivery to product environment, still need to wait next day’s work to complete. So What preview’s work late night is for what? All idiot, including employees and managers of her company. Health is very important to me now.

Wealth is not that important to me now, enough is ok, but health is more important to me.

She choose companies these years, always very disgusting. I think maybe because she only have the high school certificate. I advice her to pass the examine to get a higher degree certificate, so that she can have more choise. Wish her a good luck, but it is hard, because a goal of a company can hardly be change, at lease not a short time. Another adivice for her would be that she go to find a better job depend on working at a company, still working may be a good reason and other company interviewer may well look into the guy still working. This maybe because that if you are working, you choose to find a better job, if not a better job, why we reject current good work chance? Yes, I think this is the good time to find jobs.

Back to the darkness October month, my family is lost in the sick perior, one after another lost in the sick perior. This week had 7day working, I asked 2 days sick leave, working at home for about four days at home. In the week after wendnesday, I got high fever too. In the thurday, 2:00 clock, after tooking ahuang to hospital, he got his drip in intravenous sleeping in the bed(Hospital support a short bed, which can seat on or children to sleep on, and it is soft), I got myself the body info, a bad status, decided to look doctor myself in the late night. Doctor verify me from not got 甲流 or other disease by blood check. I’ve check my blood twice, it cost much, very much care about my poor money. Doctor give some medicine for me. I stoped the medicine yesterday the 内科 doctor gave me, it is to secure my stomach from much too sufficient, it just made a little effort, very little. I don’t want to take the CT picture, it cost too much to tolerate. When that night, after blood checking, I went back to lay on the yoga mat I bring for the night sleep. After half an hour, I went to get blood checking result and ask doctor and paid for the medicine on a auto paid machine. Then I went back to sleep on the mat, that night a little cold, some mosquto drank my blook. When a time I found my boy’s medicine not driping, I quickly asked nurse to help. That night we sleeped there until 5:00 clock.

At morning we got back, ahuang learn to develop game in the day time, I did less work at home for company, just some online work. We went to sleep for a while, because there is a little time to have rest. When wake up, I vomited, I didn’t want to tolerate the sense any more, so took it easy to vomit. After that, I felt a little better, my stomach not felt as much sufficient as before, more fluent. My boy knew what I just suffer, stunning, but he knew his father is strong and will be quickly recover.

What is lunch? We two didn’t want to have tough food, hard stuff rice, hard stuff meal, we ordered a crab meat rice. Eat crab meat rice when at sick perior? My mom blamed me for eating not common food when we are in sick, I post picture to them. They were all warried about three of us, but is far away, they can only warry but doing nothing, sad.

My fever came up at friday, a whole day felt sick and sleep not doing too much work, in the night, about 48.9°, I couldn’t believe because I check my temper by using ear temper-check machine, it apperear to be 36.8, it is normal temperature. My wife said it is not correct for adult, when use a clip temper-check machine, the temper info is more repliable, because my head was very hot at that moment, even the whole body is very hot. My wife quickly give down-fever medicine for me, I sleeped in a wet mode by my sweat, I sleeped with them that night, on the middle place, them all felt huge temperature from me that night. I put on three t-shirt in different time, because they were all wet and had to put another t-shirt. The bed is also wet, I puted the pillow and quilt under the sun to make them dry in the daytime.

Saturday, My wife got a little sick, she eat some medicine buyed from common medicine shop. I were still very hot, I debug myself, I had a inflammation and not recover, so my body was fighting for myself, so fever is still on a low level, the temperature was between 37.2 and 37.8. When sunday, is still not recover, I decided to check the CT picture to see what happening. So again, a whole checking was came for me: want to save money, but sick will not cost more if you not take it serious.

Sunday, we woke up late in the morning, almost 7:00. We two quickly went to hospital, after treating ahuang’s medicine for drip, I quickly went to 内科 again. Luckly, I just waited for two man seeing the doctor, and quickly went to verify all checking: blood checking/ CT picture. I got my info as soon as it came out at 9:00. Revisiting the doctor, just a inflammation affect the fever, picture shows well. I asked her to take a drip too, medicine always can’t make good news. I’ve been so much year not to take inject the drip, I recovered from sick by self recover in the past years, this time, I think I should take it for: 1. I must go to work tomorrow; 2. I must take care of my family, they are all sick.

In the later, my wife suddently felt not good, I took ahuang home for it is raining, and I still present the quilt on the balcony. She suddently got hot fever, her symptom was very resemble to me. After checking her project, she came back without medicine. She had another inflammation on her backbone, doctor couldn’t give any medicine, she had to took all checking for that sick util to able give medicine. She keeped hot, and had to ask for two more days to sick leaving from work. That is not matter, but she was in fever but can’t had any medicine. After two day, she recover by herself… She thought it maybe 80% about me to let her sick, by the same time, she work late night, and she had the inflammation on her backbone. Why me? I’m a porn sheep,,,

Util 231020 we all recover from the sick perior, a hard to forget memory, a bad perior since 230928. Almost a whole october we are in sick. Now is 231025, I still a little cough, still recovering from the sick.