
Oct 18, 2023


After entering the new company, more and more activities to take part in. So this article is to record recent activities I had took parted in.

Last week, Wife has enter new company(The company I had done one interview there, but I fail to pass the interview. Maybe I was not that fit with the company’s goal. Still remember that, they are not able to make money to cover it’s cost, and the interviewer had assign me some info: Work maybe a little busy, because company is growing. I answered the info that I’m not aware of the hard work, but still didn’t able to pass the interview, haha, shame). Wife knew she will be busy for the work, and a little hard for her, so Last week she couldn’t attend our activity, the 皮划艇 competition.

Boating competition

Last week activity is 皮划艇 competition, 23.09.16, in the morning, I drove ahuang with me to the 牧岛, it is very far from home. On the way. driving in the broken country road, my car was rolling, I had to drove carefully ff able to passby some deep hole. When arriving the destination, is a country yard. I parked my car front of the door, a yard, covered with broken bits.

We arrived early in the morning, and we walked here and there to get familiar with this place. There is a red house, I play onboard football with my son. Though I play variant games and have much experience to start new game, but this game also require lucky. Typically I would defeat the little boy easily, but the little boy by using huge energe to kick a ball would make possible, his score is vary close to me, just two score. The lucky boy. Today seems like raining, so the haptic of weather is web and hot. Wipe the sweat, ahuang continue playing with a little boy, they get out/in of the red house, happily.

After some hour, 10 AM clock, almost all members had come. Activity grouper let all of us connect each others and envelop him, we connect each other like a circle. We played some game, and then we were seperated into several group. Each group eat together at noon, challenge game afternoon.

When play little games, it was raining a little, but it rain heavier when we start cocking lunch. We puted on rain-cloth which made with once-use plastic. When cocking lunch, I familiar with the team easily, not like the experience last time, different is this time I arrived very early. Last time attending an activity, I was late(I can’t find a place to park my dear car.), hadn’t able to meet any team from the beginning.

Ahuang eat much, but food is not enough, I just had the food cover, more material will raise the fulness. When half or more when cocking lunch, it rain heavily. Util lunch, it still rain heavily, but competition is there to be conquar. We puted on rain cloth just go.

Every group vote 6 mates to constitude 3 competition boat. This means, a boat contains two mates. I considerd to play with my boy, but I think they maybe want a strong mate, so I ask a cp who is free not attending the competition to take care of my boy. When I took in the boat with my mate, we two on the same boat, is trying to fit each other, and boating around to familiar with the game environment. Meanwhile, When I took the boat, I looked around and around to find my boy, I was told he was afraid of the lake, and stayed at the red house. I appriated he is safety, meanwhile feeling a lost, we come here to join the game, all of us but my boy not take the boat. When end of competition in my turn, I ask my partner to help to take my boy boating around. Until this time, he took the boat. We just boating around for a while, this is enough yet.

Append above, before I took in the boat, the rain is slowing down, fewer and fewer, then become sunny again. all the boat is place nearby the lake, on a float air-plastic constructed board. Two workers in two place turnning around the boat, and push the boat to the river. They grabe the boat, for customer to take in easily(not falling down the water). Customer took in one by one, foreward driver is to take direction and make some effort, backward driver is to take all effort to push the boat. After a while, I was well handle how to take the direction, but I was in backward place. When I’m back to home to realize backward to handle direction is not easy as in the foreward place, too late. My boat mate only know how to push.

All of us before competition got some time to familiar with both boat handling and competition environment. Then we are told to gether to take a on water take boat picture. This phase took a long time, son shine a little hard. Finally conquar to tolerate the hot and boring time and begin to competition. Because I want to take care of my boy, so my boat is the first turn to game.

We choose to drive the boat to the right side, wish no other boat will affect us. But it still happend, right side a boat quickly get to us and impact our boat in the meddle of the boat by the head of thier boat. We slow down a while, for not made any hurt. When we boat hard to destination, we found we are off of right trace, shit, we fix the direction many time, and because I handle the direction, so the boat is also slow down much. Our boat lost(Later I know three of our team group both lost, even some of my teammate is one of champion team play in the lastest activity). We took the boat back to find my boy.

When activity end, we drink lot of ginger tea, delicious.

Card competition

Time across to the next weeken 23.09.23, we attend a card competition, call 掼蛋. I arrive to the destination early, place is 上海棋院,南京西路595号二楼大厅. I ride my favorite elec-bike, took my boy with me, when arrive, the map app not take me right place. I took ahuang in hand search around, finally found the place is toward us, in the opposite street. When I arrive, the compatiion was going to start. My wife took bus to come and play with ahuang during the day. I have a partner yanhong.lu, who sited opposite to me. In the first turn, we were defeated. Frankly to say, I was not most in state, when I need to attack, I failed to make more score; while I should protect card-mate, such gave pair-card, I didn’t realize, but give a single card. But abviously, more luck no make any sense, every turn the enemy is so strong.

When first turn end, I came out to meet with wife and ahuang, they play downstair, ahuang is happy to know these amazon toy: Auto five chess game with AI. He can choose some phase: hard, easy, or tutorial and so on. So he is happy here, at lease this afternoon.

Break not took long, just a rest, we continue gaming. The first turn three group of us only win 2 score(a pair win gain 2 score). The second turn, our enemy is from company 中核,two uncle, first glass can make sure they are very widdy in this field. But luck turn to us, our card format is very beautiful, they are both quiet at face, but help us washing card to be more quick. (We treated them are very kind, but util end of competition talking to realize, they help us to play more game, and more chance to win, and they finally win by little score!^/\^). Half of the front game, we are too luck at card-format attacking them, the card-format is very beautiful, they even couldn’t make and protect to fail. But we play about 13 turn(little turn), the backward of the gaming, they finally turn to win little by little. My dog-shit luck even can’t defeat them, how strong they are! They said they are just so so with smile face. Oh no.

The third turn? Because our team score low, our enemy gave up and not appeare in the game. So we are free at this turn. Both six teammate of us are boring, we play our self. But after a while, it became boring too. God, just play other game to cost the boring time.

When this turn end, means knockout match end. Most of competitors had gone home, but it rain ourside, all of us didn’t decide where to have dinner, for competition dinner. Low budge don’t know where to eat, first we discuss about eating far away city center, but time and take car is very trouble, we finally decide eat nearby. They ask my wife and ahuang to had dinner together, but I knew others were not took any family, so I ask my wife took son home. We finally eat in a “棒子” resturant, teste not that good as expect, just sometime to eat can hold this teste.

It rain more heavily, I forgot to take rain coat, not other way, took elec-bike home, a little cold.


Weeken is enveloped with activities, it is fullness. The next day is 欢乐谷 activity. I made hard work to get the ticket, ahuang can joioing activity all day long. My wife is lonely, so I spent ¥255 to buy an adult ticket at 闲鱼app. I drive my boy and wife to the parking area. I tried to find a nearby parking which costing less money, but was hard to find an available place, if parking at unallowed, a trafic ticket will be sticked by police. So trafic ticket ¥200 is much expensive to ¥80 parking cost. And parking can be more easy to get car, can sitting one car earlier to rest, so much consideration help me made this decision.

We parking the car in a place, forget to record the area no, so when out of the happy valley, we take a while to find my baby car.

We arrive at 10:00, a little late, we go the fast road, and only take 40 minute to get to the valley. Co-partner service is in the right hand side, I and my boy get the card to get in, and we wait for wife scan her code to get in. We are a family firstly get to the place, three of us both first get to a valley. We walk through a row of shop, towards us is a big lake, and a music board stand besides it. I want to traval from back to front, maybe people would be less. But considering we are new to here, many activity hadn’t been test or know it’s level, so we finally decide to turn right, one by one.

The first activity is rotaring wood horse, I choose a big set and carry my heavy bag with me. Heavy bag contains many bottle of water and food, for saving money. When it is rotaring, child maybe happy, I just feel nothing, or so it is easy. The second one we test the 旋转陀螺, it move fastly, but ahuang my wife is still with me a in a board, we are in a board, not far away. This game is a little more happy than rotaring wood horse, and it didn’t need to wait to, wait for next turn can play this game, recommand this game. The third we want to go is a game nearby 高空旋转, I may give a name for it: nearby sky rotaring. When play 旋转陀螺 I had seen this game. When we are turn to play nearby sky rotaring, I’m a little exciting, but util we are start the game, I get it was too exciting. I’m on the highest place, but rotaring fast, in addition, big rotaring with seat rotaring. For me an adult, feel too exciting to be a little scare of the highly position. When I rotaring from low to high, and speed seems still not going to stop, I made a wish: please, please be quick to stop, help, my lord…

It is a little rainning. After get down from the nearby sky rotaring, three of us feel so tired, we start to eat some bread to recover and have a rest. By this brief time, I call back to mother, they are happy to see us a happy experience. Where is the next station? I suggest to play the kick-kick-car, but waiting queue is full of people, so we just go to the evil house instead. My wife pick up ahuang’s hand, her another hand clasp my hand tightly. Three of us go after a group of people. My wife scare all the way, because the darkness with weak light and some evil let out sound, she clasp hand more tightly. Some evil come from nearby, she scare too; some evil shout or yelling help phrase, she scare too. She is afraid of these things, and was often scare to wake up from asleep by dreaming about bad thing before. So I always calm her down let her not afraid, I’m always protecting she, she knew my word and finally calm down to sleep again. Recently she sleep very well now, maybe she is not scare as before, and is brave to impact this bad thing. She is brave, little monkey.

After the evil house, we are so happy, it is a long way when standing inside, praying the inside time to go faster. When we are out, we join the waiting queue to play kick-kick-car. Maybe today is raining, people is not much as expect, so we didn’t take too long to wait and play the game.

I had never ever play this game before, playing board is made with icon, when car run on the board, I see fire bits come, and some fired smell come out. Playing time is short, we just play a while, I handle the car easily, because it only have the oil footboard, front or back relying on the direction. ahuang stay with her mother, she can control the car, and is drive the car a mess.

When we finish the game, my company manager with his son come to find us. They in order to stagger peak hours, they turn left direction, also because they come here multiple, exciting projects they are very familiar to. I said we are also decide turn left, because we have get deep of it, but we will slowly move on, because we want to cover most of the project and have a test.

The next station is in the left side, the first one we meet, 海盗车冒险, a car hold three of us, not one wait there, just come and play. We put 3D glass, the car take us from one node to the other, every node has a wall-video and car has a big sound playing we are surface some attack or defeat attack and win, finally go to the destination, boring. The next station is also needn’t wait, just come and start to play. The name is 完美风暴, this game is the most exciting game in the valley, the most scare one. Because I sit in the edge, when the machine starts, I feel I’m rolling out of the support arm. Background play music from 周杰伦, I pay attention the sing the song, to move my attention not be afraid. Luckly, my wife and son not get in, they are afraid of the too exciting game, but luckly, this is too exciting to tolerate. I was rolling and rolling, how long will it be end? Why it haven’t end, so dangerous, I’m in a so high place, and rolling, a big step rolling, only the music save me from that state. When it is stop, I regret to take part in. I just didn’t realize, or don’t know. If I know it, it will decide pass it.

I go downstair to find the two child, they buy 糖葫芦串, three of us eat the bunch of the sweet. When stop eating, I suggest wife to take part in a game nearby, a rotaring game, she come to it and give up, she can’t tolerate rotaring and rotaring. Then we decide go another game: 激流勇进. It is toward us, we put on rain cloth(because this game will be wet), we join the game. When we take in a boat, it has a lever to fix us not to be through out. The car through a river and stuck to a chain, it is a long chain sending us to the top. When at sending process, people on the boat feel like we are push up, a big angle to push up. When we come to the top, a short roat to pass, then suddenly we were push down, a big lose-gravity to let us down to the pool. A big force from the water stop us keep going down, and a big spindrift suddenly come to us. Water cover us from head to foot, all be wet. When comeing down from the top, I feel a big force at my tummy, because I give some protect to my son, not feeling good.

This time, we are all wet, now we realize this game is an end game, after play this game, you are almost to the end, you are web and should get in car to put dry clothes. But we have so much game haven’t experience, so keep going. Not wet enough.

Keep going, we enter the golden town. We found the golden roller coaster. Wife and ahuang ask about the exciting level, they say something exciting, if you could not understand, just go to the leave door. So this two child wait me at the door. The car raise up to have gravity energy. Then it start running, it turn around and around, frankly to say, only the first I feel a little, a little scare, other is turnning around and around to waste the gravity energy.

I feel good, and take two child to another place, 金银岛. They are too afraid, the machine take people to so high, it must very scare. But I’ve heard that it is tour project. So I please them to go with me, and find they are so high to see the whole picture of the valley. This project is so high to let them feel exciting but not let them afraid. We just in the sky for just a while, and we go to another place, nearby a take elec-boat, when I ask for how much it cost, util now I know some project should extra-pay money. Elec-boat cost ¥200, so expensive. We go to the next station, ocean park. We have some food there, drinking some water and have bread. Then we keep play, inside the ocean park, some many fish there, and jellyfish is here and there. I think maybe jellyfish is easy to feed or cheap, but they are very walcomed. ahuang find a 泡泡枪 house, a big noise house, so many child pick pop-ball and insert them to the gun, when play button, a big wind to push the pop-ball out.

Child is dedicated to the gun, but didn’t they know, gun means broken, means killing. when real gun is at hand they are not joke. They are desire of this, if true gun comes, half of them would die. So child is foolish, a big idiot. Foolish idiot.

They play so much time, a grab ahuang to the next station. Don’t stay at one place for too long, for we haven’t experience many other project yet. The next station is 6D VR roller coaster. It just like a movie, a big machine is seat, the machine rorate, rolling, shake mutually with the video, and a big sound to let your head to believe it is true. It is an interesting experience. When we get out, we wait my company mate to come, he is coming with his son. Because his son’s nickname is more hard to remember, ahuang is the most easy remember nickname, so we call my company mate’s son a new nickname 李四(later call lisi). This two child familiar with each other very quickly, we decide to go into the ocean park to experience all project again. After a while, we get out, pop house and video are so boring.

We then go to a place lisi play for 7 times, but ahuang seeing this, he is afraid. Then we go to next station, ahuang still afraid, I call them carry up. ahuang afraid at first, but child want to be hero, they agree to take in the head, a small roller coaster. We adult are behind them, to show the two little child’s brave. When finish they said it is just so so. Children talk about boast never feel shame, never remember they are scare get far away but forced to conquar the game.

The next station is 漂流, because lisi played yet, so we quickly teste this game, and know this game only have a buffer but nothing: get wet. Yes, we are get wet again. When we get out, lisi play 跑跑卡丁车 over, when I see the price: 80 for 10 minute. It is so expensive. Now is sunset, my mate want to buy some sweet to children, I want to say it is so expensive. But he paid for his child, so I can’t to say that, but happily, the machine can’t pay the money, this time, I feel happy again. The sweet is so expensive: a cotton sweet for 30.

We keep going, the next station don’t have much to play, until we go to the 游木游龙. Because it is nearly sunset, that project is less people to take part in. We are tired, get no energe to take part in. We keep going to find a small loss-gravity machine, but they are afraid of trying, so we give up either. Beside the machine, is a evil house, a beautiful girl stand there. lisi is afraid of darkness, ahuang want to show his brave(In fact, he ask adult to go with him, he is afraid too, but exaggerated). When look at the require length, 140, two child is not allow to take part in. So we keep on moving, toward is not good game to play, just some shot sell drink or food.

When go end, it is the place we come in the right direction. So many game here, they buy ice cream there, cost ¥25, so expensive. Next they want to play evil game here, ask the worker to let then get in. ahuang is 130, lisi is great one year but get height 120. Not enough, worker not matter what just can’t let the lisi go, lisi give up to have a try the darkness chanllenge. ahuang still want to show his brave, he take my hand to get in. This time, leader is a boy, he tell every body what is going on and calm us down, behind us is several girl, they light the roat, so the level is more easy. We go straight to the end. After get out, ahuang and lisi play some game, such as rotaring wood horse. They can play themself, don’t need adult to stay by. Then, wo keep play the kick-kick car, we play twice because not too much people. They we play the last game: 摇摇伞. Adults just play once, teste is enough, lisi play so many times, lisi is very brave at chanllenge at day time, but afraid of darkness. ahuang not afraid darkness, but less chanllenge, maybe because he is still little. When play twice the 摇摇伞, ahuang leave to see music show, have a see the girls dancing and an uncle make music by using saxophone. Sexy child.

When the end, the sky look darkness, We decide to get back home. Calculate the time, we park the car is almost 8hour, highest money is to be paid. We walk back, children stand at a 密室逃脱 desire to take a try. But it is so late, and it cost money, so we just move toward, children will catch up if we pay attention to them.

We seperate company mate at the parking roat, three of us is hungry and thirsty. But the first is to find my baby car, food and clothes is on the car. We first come to wrong parking area, it cost us to find car. When get car, we take the dry clothes, and eat some cake, then, we dirve home, a meanningful day.