
Jun 10, 2023


I’am more familiar working in english environment, write documents at work, let myself to be a more english worker. Although we talk chinese at common, but actually the reading skill and writing skill has improve a lot. It is good news for staying at such environment.

Working at crnc is more easy as I work before, maybe a new employee deserved such a good walfare at first, harder later comes? OK, stay comfort, be danger be prepared for danger in times of safety.

I try to reach some company and have a few interview during working, I’m not sure will I stay long, or be fired with somewhat reasons. Although, my manager is a so kind person, help me a lot, answer me every time I meet questions. But I know it is not free for long, I will have to fix the coming questions by reading the documents supported by R&D engineer. What I’m most concern about? I can’t fix some question which is not handle by me, log or code is not produced by me, every trouble will have to ask for help! This is reason I go to have some interview myself, this is what I most concern about.

Recently, I keep learning cpp, using as most possible as I can to handle the skill. But after son studing and living with me, some time have to spent on him or myself excising, sleeping earlier. It’s very ok, but learning will affect a lot. Now, just keep learning, keep this in mind.