
May 26, 2023

Recently, I have come into new company crnc, a project work duty is on way. Any truble in the work, my colleagues help to guide me how to fix the trouble, are rapidly recorded, any pieces about the experience, for purpose of fixing problems be more efficient and accuracy in the future.

It is nearlly two months after joining the company, I get a little confuse about what I can do with my previews experience or develop skill. Nothing, it just like a fresh start firstly come into a big library to learn knowledge. Nothing I could do except refresh start learning and recording.

After getting the local household register, I’am not as much afraid of non-work as before. althought less money I own and house loan to pay, I still positive to the future. The thing treated in the work is, I’am more happy to join more activities, such as basketball / swimming / spring travel, etc… I don’t know how long I will stay the company(Or be fired again? hah), I appreciate the working time every moment, not afraid anymore, to concern about the personal tax or non-work period, good.

I join swimming activity, execise to lose belly fat, more desire about the free of charge. Another activity is spring travel, I take my family(father, wife, son) with me to have a trip at east lake of tai. Funny trip.

I make a fault that didn’t add father and wife to a trip, so company list note just cover me and son. I finally dicide to take them together, food and tickts cost I will pay that for them personlly. 230520 that morning, I drive my little car to a resturant 吴中区金太湖农家饭店, I call to organizer that I take two adult family, can they join lunch? Answer is no, so I have to told wife take son to have lunch. Father together with me to have a good lunch, after lunch, I decide to go with the organized car after stop my car to hotel by considering I am not as family to drive to the long trip in the scenic area, and know there is still have some empty place. The way is too complex to new car driver, me.

I drive car to the hotel, 东山宾馆, taking my family together with the team. The tourist bus is too big and is no permitted to turn around the direction by police, so the bus drive across the lake edge road, take nearlly 90 minutes to the destination 雕花楼/状元楼。In the way, the road is so small, only two car can concurrently come across by, so time spend much(when bus is back to hotel, is only take 10 minutes). After geting out the bus, we follow the tourist director.

The house is very ok, every piece is accurately engraved. Go inside, first scene is a big garden, flower and tree envelop a small lake, a pavilion stand at the end of the winding path, the path we walk through. To girls, WC always be considered the most important part, so after go through the path, WC is waitting for every one there. It is a short break, at the coutyard. Then the tourist director start guide us the history of the garden, from the ground floor, to the roof. I did a reletive job before at hometown, guide tourists, so I know something about the process of tour guide. All my family toured the 状元 house myself, except the little son. All of us go through some room, and upstairs, sometimes met each other. I have gone through 会客厅, walk through a corridor into a small yard, some expensive tree or flower stood there, a small lake contain some fish swimming and the lake is enveloped by a short corridor. I sit down a stone chair on the edge of the corridor, fish swimming beneath me, feeling good. Go on walking to the next scene, the main house, hall contains some old furnishers, like old table / outdoor sedan chair(covered with red gauze) / chairs and so on. I go upstair, second son room, 1st son room, master room, dauther room and dauther slave room and so on. These rooms had been cleared for touring, it is very good that we can go upstair to have a see the old life style. But I have a question, some room are so close that when man and wife do some secretly, will sound be too laud? We now live in the cement house, will future man touring our house and have the same question: high technology house have much privite secret to nowaday’s house. Some strange scene appearer in my sex mind: man and wife do secret things with multi gesture in the room, awsome!!! How will the bedroom tolerate them doing hard porn!!!

Ignore the dirty mind, let’s go next. I walk through many place, study room, expain room, kitchen cookhouse. I take wife to the kitchen cookhouse, because I found a place where fire wood entrance of the stove is good place to have secret sex. I a nethot person take his little girl friend here, when person is much less, good sex will happen here quicklly and have a nice memory. I take wife to tell her about my investigation, She was a little anger about the behave, I pretend I am much anger to her ignoring about the sex emotion. It is a good thing to share the info each other, the closest two human. If we both hate the sex thing, we will destory the understanding between each other. I take her out the house, and happen to meet the organizer.

The Organizer told me not to do solelly take additional person with the team next time, she seams a little impatient. I am new to the company, a little affected by the hursh words. I answer it is a mistake, and it will not happen again for take wife and father not pre-told to the team.

But a little curious, my family stay with me, I pay for their every cost, just the way to take the bus for considering my new to drive car.

Forget about it, I fix my mind constantlly. Outdoor tourist should be a good trip.

Later, we take bus to the hotel, I operate the check-in to hotel, after have a rest, I took son with me to join the dinner. Food is good, not that supprised, just good. I teached ahuang(son) don’t eat too fast, because good food will present in the later, how to eat some food, what food is much better than other, but he just eat some food and say he can’t eat any, ok ok, so wasted. After he say he can’t eat any, a boy of other family is introduced that he is on birthday. Ahuang quichlly go there swollow a cake, I told don’t eat much, he ask me can he eat a cake again after have a rest, ok ok. After buying house, less money let me to be more savecost, never buy unless life or study required. So sometimes I have a little sorrow for my baby. Ahuang had done much, a cute boy, thanks for his understanding.

After dinner, I take some food(public food) back room to my family, if buy food outside, it will take sometime. Lucking, noodles and rice is enough and take delicious, except time is a little late for my familly to wait(In fact, wife take food at launch, they are waiting chopsticks, but I want them to have fresh food, so I go out lastly to pack the food).

Then I take ahuang to a children toy place, he is happy to join. I make a break talking to an engineer who work at the company long time, and he is a person from the same province 福建. I share he my curious and want to have some message or teching info. After a half nice talk, he go back to have a rest. I take wife to have a walk ambient the hotel, to find children’s playground. We found the place finally, the instrument is the big size, so it also cater to adult, wife and I play funny at the playground, only us two. It is a little late to take with ahuang, sadly, I suggested wife to take ahuang here tomorrow, but the plan didn’t be take.

Tonight, I sleep with wife, and father sleep with ahuang, two bed with 1.5 width, I think it is width enough. Take good sleep to welcome tomorrow’s tourist.

Morning, I eat a bread with two egg which bring back by father and wife, they two adult with a kid can eat the free breakfest. Time is less, so didn’t take ahuang to the childground. First tourist station is 启园, when I about to get in bus, I heard about that the destination is across the way. When car start, the destination is arrived? I would rather walk myself.

启园 is more large and more funny, a place whose scene changed by every 10 step. The garden has 3 import treasure: ancient well, tree of yangmei, wharf of qianlong king. Entrance is a ancient house, go inside is a little yard, a stone mountain towards the house. The right direction has a corrider, towards to the next huge coutyard; The left direction has a stone cave, children of the house may have a good child experient such as a play method: a child finds other children hide every corner. After following tourist guidence walking through the ancient well(It is just a well, ancient and broken), there is a stone step and it can go upstair, a small pavilion, edge place a mood chair. A dirty mind appearer again, wife stand with stoop gesture by the chair, and her husban do a heavy work back to her. Sexy sexy, dirty mind just quick leave me, go go go. But this time, wife stood by me agree me with the sexy gesture. So you see, wife is for guidence, for any fields.

We tourist every corner of the next coutyard, including the wharf of qianlong king. It is heard that qianlong is on business travel to jiangnan, and his team boat stop here, he was arrived from the wharf. So the place is to create in order to remember the moment. The other treasure can’t be found as wife and I walk through every corner. The coutyard is so huge, it take much time to go every corner, and I found it almost a loop: 10 step the scene is different. So awsome, touristed the 雕花楼 and 启园, every other garden of suzhou is almost the same.

Time passed quickly, 9:00 ~ 10:50 to tourist the 启园, we get in the bus to the next scene: 三山岛.

After we arrived the wharf where to take boat to the island, was told to wait until 11:50 timeclock. Here everyone wait for the boat, children are very happy, for them, every place is happy is not study work. The boat took about 30minute to arriving the 三山岛, and the time is 12:30. Firstly is to have launch, again wife take ahuang solely, I take my father to have the launch.

This season is abundant the loquat, every farmmer here sold the loquat, but is expansive. Father let to ask for the price, if is 10y or so can buy some, but is told 25y is the losest. At launch father eat some loquat, said is somehow delicious, he take some with him to his grandson after launch. This launch is not as good as yesterday, may be island is shortage of material.

After launch, time is near 13:20, the next time of boat to geting out of the island is 13:50, if miss will have to wait until 15:00. So under such hot sunny noon, we just take a walk, some collegues rent electric car to go around the island. The farmers said is unlimited to tourist using the vehicle, but, we just have 20 minute, so price to expensive to pay for.

Finally we are about to leave, the back time is also took about 30minute. After get in the bus, I finally know the bus is about to go straight to shanghai, I ask the total tourist guide to drop my family on the half way, after check the closest way , we get out the bus.

I didn’t meantion that they don’t go back to the hotel, my car is still there. Others self-driver all know the plan, so they drive alone with the bus, except me, I didn’t realize that, haha.

I suggest my familly to go with the bus, it will be a more good choice, bus is more reliable, but wife is strongly disagree, for not troublesome the organizer, when she yesterday heard from the organizer. OK ok.

After get down the bus, there is 7 or more miles to walk through, every one here had his/her own work to do, they will not help you. If rent a vehicle, I have to take the vehicle back, so I must career a person: father and wife didn’t handle how to use map driver. So quickly decide to go there myself, not matter how long it will take, if lucky I will meet some help on the way. It will cost much to call a taxi here, although I is 7 mile to drive, it will cost much. So I decide the only way.

I walk a long way across the street, several villagies, a long way farming the loquat, farmers is getting the loquat. I ask some people help to drive me to the hotel, with money, but they not answer me. After a long walk, about 3/4 a little fat man whose duty is to deliver food at brand 美团, who agree to drive me to the hotel, but don’t pay for anything. Tired is not my concern, I afraid my family to wait for too long. Thanks to the bother, I arrived hotel quickly. By the way, he drives fast, wish he safe for his every drive later. Maybe this is the risk to the work, thanks again.

After some rest and undress the wet T-shit, I quickly drive to my family, for not let them be afaid. After take them in, I drive quickly to home. It is smooth on the way home about 19:30, and have a quick dinner, a little late to have dinner. On the half way in the fast road, I see a car accident before me: A car front of me want to change to the nearby way and unnotice there is a car. The nearby car take it’s best to avoid the accident, but fail. Both the car stood on the road after the accident, if they be more carefully, they will arrive destination earlyier.