
May 7, 2023

Entering new company

Apri, I enter new company, crnc, with respect of it’s technology at audio realm: hi siri.

I go into company, waiting at the corner util technology review sir, future work manager of mine happen to found me at the morning. I follow him to the workdesk, later on I will work at. Firstly, I has much work to do: Morning asking for laptop(use i5 laptop? not a computer station? My deskmate told me he got 1.5w RMB to choose his working equitment, OK OK, never mind, as if the laptop work well-_-); Asking entrance card; Enrolling to all company network station, such as workday/confluence/email/teamchat and so on.

Everything is new to me, all document is english, maybe I will grow up my ability of english, I hope so.

At launch time, I follow manager and a man seat beside me technology architacture walking a long long way, finally arrive at a resturant: 陕西盖浇面. I follow them queue to pay for noodles, have a chat to learn each other, that day the second floor is a little hot, but outside is still a little cold.

At the later two week, I manage to learn knowledge myself by reading doc at confluence net station. I try to follow the guide, but it’s too hard for me to understant. Apperantly, it is not ready for new employees. I try to ask question to the ambiant colleagues, part of colleagues is too busy, part is not the same projection, part is on bussiness trip, part answer me a brief info that i can not get the mind. I was told two week later, new project is going to kickoff.

Lucking, a colleague and the manager help me at important moment, telling me right persons to ask for, and right document to know corresponding knowledge. I try my best to go through more knowledge at the training perior, work will be only resolved by self, not others will help me every moment.

I’m a Senior software engineer, but manager told me less about the job, I’m a little regret to accept the job: I collect several module into an SDK with a sample app, and delivery to customer. I know little about the duty of the job. I firstly consume the job as a money OK, work less, work time balance, and easy to handle the job. But every fix in the job can’t fixed by me, I own the duty to tell base develop team, what I am facing to is config files.

Project module is given by other group colleagues, every thing i can do is to config, and the project is working as a black box. Process flow is document at confluence? It hard to find my need at very time. Lucking, my first duty is to support a half service: to meet a very easy need, never to change code or config. I manage to start up the program(I cost me a lot time to startup the first step), delete many languages but keep only ten languagesp; I recreate some audio model by using company tools; I ask some colleagues to teach me how to update cloud config; I write documents for recording the experience. The document I treat it a new employees training, every new employees read the document will know how to do, record as exhaustly as I can.

I can only record, but deal skill is to ask for help. I am a little scale about how will it be, if no one can help me? I can do so much in my field, but in this field, I can only ask for help!

Knowledge I ever learn is not compatible with the new company. Future career planning is not the same. I hope more free time for learning in this work, or the last advantage lose will result in continue a new trip. Don’t lose faith, I have had a good rest on the first week, now it’s enough to take a change!