
Jan 12, 2017

create a displayNode and return a block uiview:

self.progressView = [[SHRecordProgressView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, KScreenWidth, 8)]; self.progressView.backgroundColor = RGBA(245, 245, 245, 0.6); self.progressNode = [[ASDisplayNode alloc]initWithViewBlock:^UIView * _Nonnull{ @strongify(self); return self.progressView; }];

progressView create views when user interactor with device,
I change the one of the “views”‘s width,
effect that come:progressView
-(void)layoutSubviews{ [super layoutSubviews]; NSLog(@"%@",self); }

infinite log :round_pushpin:-[SHRecordProgressView layoutSubviews] + 31:balloon: self = <SHRecordProgressView: 0x1807afd0; frame = (0 342; 320 8); layer = <CALayer: 0x180f0080>>
:round_pushpin:-[SHRecordProgressView layoutSubviews] + 31:balloon: self = <SHRecordProgressView: 0x1807afd0; frame = (0 342; 320 8); layer = <CALayer: 0x180f0080>>
:round_pushpin:-[SHRecordProgressView layoutSubviews] + 31:balloon: self = <SHRecordProgressView: 0x1807afd0; frame = (0 342; 320 8); layer = <CALayer: 0x180f0080>>
:round_pushpin:-[SHRecordProgressView layoutSubviews] + 31:balloon: self = <SHRecordProgressView: 0x1807afd0; frame = (0 342; 320 8); layer = <CALayer: 0x180f0080>>
:round_pushpin:-[SHRecordProgressView layoutSubviews] + 31:balloon: self = <SHRecordProgressView: 0x1807afd0; frame = (0 342; 320 8); layer = <CALayer: 0x180f0080>>
:round_pushpin:-[SHRecordProgressView layoutSubviews] + 31:balloon: self = <SHRecordProgressView: 0x1807afd0; frame = (0 342; 320 8); layer = <CALayer: 0x180f0080>>
:round_pushpin:-[SHRecordProgressView layoutSubviews] + 31:balloon: self = <SHRecordProgressView: 0x1807afd0; frame = (0 342; 320 8); layer = <CALayer: 0x180f0080>>
:round_pushpin:-[SHRecordProgressView layoutSubviews] + 31:balloon: self = <SHRecordProgressView: 0x1807afd0; frame = (0 342; 320 8); layer = <CALayer: 0x180f0080>>
:round_pushpin:-[SHRecordProgressView layoutSubviews] + 31:balloon: self = <SHRecordProgressView: 0x1807afd0; frame = (0 342; 320 8); layer = <CALayer: 0x180f0080>>
:round_pushpin:-[SHRecordProgressView layoutSubviews] + 31:balloon: self = <SHRecordProgressView: 0x1807afd0; frame = (0 342; 320 8); layer = <CALayer: 0x180f0080>>
:round_pushpin:-[SHRecordProgressView layoutSubviews] + 31:balloon: self = <SHRecordProgressView: 0x1807afd0
what does it mean??help:joy:

akerdi [3:48 PM]
I figure it out,I use FBShimmerView add to the progressView, subViews not inside of shimmerView will disappeare:joy:I am not use to ShimmerView

progressView addSubView:FBShimmerView